I wanted to add a little John Kerry button to this site, but I didn’t like the downloads at the official site. And what kind of web designer recommends using an iframe
for an image anyway? So I made my own John Kerry button!
I used the flag from the official Kerry/Edwards images and added it to a button I made using the Kalsey Button Maker. I Photoshopped the two into one image, and voila! An attractive button to promote John Kerry for President. Just save the button, upload it to your website, and add the following bit of code to your page:
<div><a href="http://www.johnkerry.com/" title="Vote John Kerry for President"><img src="votekerry.gif" alt="Vote Kerry" width="80" height="15" /></a></div>
If you’re using the button, just leave a little comment to let me know—I’m curious to see where the button shows up. Thanks!