Gmail Goodness

For much of the past month, there has been a lot of buzz about Google’s new email service, Gmail. I wondered about the features of Gmail, but it was by invitation only so I felt left out. However, all that has now changed. I’m happy to announce that I now have a Gmail account with an invitation courtesy of Joe Casabona! Great stuff has already been written about Gmail, so there’s no need for me to restate the obvious.

I would like to say that the Gmail interface is slick—it’s much easier to do the simple things like add contacts, search for a message, or compose a new message (or reply) than most other email services. It’s likely that I’ll be forwarding all my email to that account due to the 1 GB storage limit. Of course, Google probably has bigger plans than just email, as Jason Kottke speculates. I wonder when Google will become self-aware?