The Scranton Student is Now Complete!

On the seventh week, I rested. I saw what I had created and said, “It is good.” Yeah, I’m being a tad melodramatic, but the Scranton Student has been a long time in the works. This morning, at precisely 2:07 AM, EST, the Scranton Student went live for the public. I first developed the idea in early October 2002 when I registered the domain name. I worked on it for a few weeks and pushed it to the back burner as that semester ground to an end.

Starting in early October of this year, I thought of the project again and renewed it with more excitement and energy—not to mention the major advancements in my technical skills from my work on The Scranton Student is not a completed project; in fact, the site will continue to evolve and grow for a long time if it all goes well. The Textbook HQ and the Search page still need work and the Forum needs customization, but the site is fully functional and the articles are posted. The Scranton Student is an online resource and magazine for University of Scranton students. Check it out today.